DIZITALEDU Immunization
Management module

School and child-care facility immunization requirements are determined by governing body,
our module helps organizations to comply with…and much more.

Vaccination requirements are one of the key compliance for children attending childcare facilities and schools

Our custom module immunization management helps organizations to configure vaccinations depending on all countries, states and territorial vaccination requirements for children attending childcare facilities and schools. Vaccination master requirements are important module for maintaining the vaccination requirement for school and assigning to class depending on the age and so forth. Also the vaccination report and alerts provides information to the school staff about the vaccinations taken by the student, what’s pending and other relevant comments for better management.

4 Key modules for successful Immunization Management

Vaccination Master

Custom Configuration | Define Vaccination List | Manage.

Vaccination Mapping

Mapping Vaccination Matrix | Assign to Class.

Vaccination Report

Student Vaccination Report | School Compliance Report | Alert.

Mandatory Immunization Allocation and Status Check

Define Mandatory | Status Check on Students.

Our Immunization Management Module helps organization to comply with governing bodies

Our module assists both medical and non-medical staff at schools in establishing immunization record keeping and documentation. This will help keep students immunization records up-to-date and make required annual immunization reports easier to submit etc.

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